Teaching for Transformation

Implement Teaching for Transformation (TfT) to invite, nurture and empower learners to play their part in God’s Story.

What is TfT?

At the heart of our Christian school’s curriculum is the biblical truth that all things in the world belong to God. It is the role of Christian school teachers to help reveal God’s grand story in every aspect of education. This is accomplished through Christian storytelling, helping learners to "See The Story" in all areas of study and providing opportunities for them to "Live the Story" through "real work" for "real people."

The TfT program, developed by the Prairie Centre for Christian Education (PCCE) and advanced by the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE), offers a framework for authentic and integral Christian learning experiences. Grounded in a transformational worldview, TfT emphasizes the Biblical story, inviting students and teachers to participate in God’s story through their everyday learning.

TfT’s design practices and tools are utilized by over 100 schools worldwide, creating transformational Christian school learning experiences. The program ensures that schools align with their Mission & Vision, and that teachers live out their Deep Hope.

Tft ResourcesGet More Information

TfT Artifacts


Flex Cards

Shining His Love Through the Story We Tell

Trinity Christian School - Grade 4 Science/Art/LA

  • Shining His Love Through the Story We Tell
  • Shining His Love Through the Story We Tell

Blessed to Be a Blessing Growing Towards...

Immanuel Christian Elementary School - Grade 2A & 2B

  • Blessed to Be a Blessing Growing Towards...
  • Blessed to Be a Blessing Growing Towards...

Little Kids Can Do Big Things with a Big God!

Fort McMurray Christian School - Grade 2

  • Little Kids Can Do Big Things with a Big God!
  • Little Kids Can Do Big Things with a Big God!

The TfT approach has allowed teachers and students to authentically and meaningfully recognize the fingerprints of God in all learning.

Get more information

Our staff will guide you in implementing TfT processes and practices in your own school, enhancing not only your curriculum but the deeper connection that you and your students share within the greatness of God’s Story.