Your Partners in Christian Education

PCCE exists to encourage and empower Christian school communities as they equip students to play their part in God’s Story.

We are a community of Christian schools made up of educators, leaders and school boards from across the Canadian Prairies.

We want to see Christian schools thrive on the Prairies. We support Biblically grounded, transformational education while providing innovative leadership and collaborative learning services to help you flourish within your unique school community. We offer support through shared learning experiences, teaching & leading resources, professional development, consulting and a wide range of administrative services.

Learning Experiences

You desire authentic and inspiring experiences – not just more online resource options – to equip and empower your school, staff, and families on your educational journey. We go ‘beyond the content’ to build connections with each other, providing unique hands-on, collaborative, and experience-based learning opportunities, both on-site at your school and collectively at organizational gatherings. 

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Thought Leadership

The ever-evolving landscape of education is complex and being part of a forward-thinking network of Christian schools can keep you abreast of trends while remaining firmly rooted in the Christ-centred foundation of your mission. The PCCE provides a place for conversation, collaboration, and strategic planning to move your school forward through the complexities of curricular, cultural, and administerial aspects of education. We learn and grow together - as a group and within a group!

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Professional Relationships

We recognize that we can do together what none of us can do alone. So when the PCCE community gathers, whether at a conference, a workshop, around a board table or an Annual General meeting, we prioritise the making and deepening of relationships. Our events are structured in such a way that people from various schools have opportunities to collaborate, discuss, worship and pray together.

We also partner with external organizations to enhance our efforts and support our schools by leveraging additional expertise and services.

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PCCE is of value to me as a leader because it is a helpful, intentional reminder of what we need to do to relate, root, and refresh our professional abilities... the leadership sessions have been increasingly helpful and relevant to what we need.”

PCCE Member Administrator