
Excellence in education is rooted in excellence in leadership.

Leading with Faith: Strategic Collaboration for Christian Education Flourishing

In the school environment, there is an overwhelming amount of information and changes to manage, from government regulations to new educational strategies. Amidst these challenges, PCCE aims to provide strategic thought-leadership focused on maintaining authentic Christian education. 

By gathering passionate individuals and inviting experts, PCCE believes in finding collective solutions and fostering continuous reflection, learning, and growth. Their goal is to lead in the Christian school context, not just keep up with changes.

Learning together, as a group and within a group

Together moving toward expanding perspective and thought-patterns

I value PCCE’s intentional opportunities to connect us with other school leaders, the sharing of ideas and resources, and the emerging supports for leaders.

PCCE Member Administrator

Prairie Page

A weekly e-publication that provides encouragement, information and highlights opportunities for PCCE educators, leaders and boards. While The Page keeps the community informed about upcoming events, it also provides resources that challenge the readers to continue growing in what it means to be an integrally Christian school.

PCCE’s Compensation Report

Providing school communities with information and recommendations regarding staff compensation and employment benefits. The publication is updated annually and continues to expand its scope to ensure its relevance to both our independent and alternative schools.

Strategic Planning

A key responsibility of school boards and leaders is strategic planning. PCCE works with communities to plan, facilitate and create strategic plans that will guide schools in the next phase of their journey.

Resources for Boards

Items such as board job description & code of conduct templates, teacher contract templates and resources to support boards in the evaluation of the principal/key employee.

Emerging Leaders Development Institute (ELDI)

A year-long program for PCCE educators who wish to discern their call to leadership. Through in-person and virtual gatherings, participants engage in a variety of experiences that provide space to both learn and discern.